Add a few dollars to your pocket with our roundup of places—old & new—to sell your old clothes
PHOTO: My Shoes Speak Italian
It’s that time of year again… to forget about your flip flops, tuck away your tank tops, and banish your bikinis to the back of your drawers. Sweater weather has descended upon us, and our riding boots and blazers are ready to break free from the backs of our closets where they’ve been stowed away (for three seasons if you live in SoCal).
Of all of the seasons, you can’t help but to love fall for its inviting sense of style. Unlike summer’s skimpy attire which bears little concern for body image apprehensions or winter’s over-protective layers, fall fashion strikes the perfect balance. Just like Goldilocks discovering the perfect bowl of porridge, each year we rediscover the perfect balance fall brings—not too hot, not too cold, but just right.
You are probably receiving catalogs and emails from your favorite designers and retailers announcing their fall sales. You might have already been convinced to browse their online stores. Maybe you’ve even moseyed over to the mall to see what bargains you can land. Regardless of what stage you are in, chances are you are prepping for fall’s wardrobe.
Fall shopping is fun, but it also poses a couple of challenges. First, there’s the question of finding space for the new summer wardrobe you invested in just few short months summer ago. Then, there’s the question of figuring out how you’re going to finance the must-have bag, jeans, and jacket you’ve undoubtedly got your eye on.
The Single Diaries is here to help with solutions to clear out your closet and add a few dollars to your pocket. We bet that you have few articles of clothing from last year’s fall wardrobe that have fallen out of style and a handful of items from your summer wardrobe that are too trendy to stay in style for another year. Instead of keeping your closet cluttered with clothes you know you won’t wear, why not turn them into cash you can invest into your new fall wardrobe?
Read on for a roundup of the places we recommend for doing just that.
Old School Selling
1. Goodwill
Goodwill is the perfect place to donate just about anything you are ready to part ways with. You won’t receive payment for anything that you give, but you will get credit for your donation (be sure to ask for donation form). When preparing your taxes you’ll be able to write-off the value of your donation. Depending on how much you gave, this could look like a big savings. This is a good option for those things that you think you would have trouble actually selling.
2. eBay
eBay is an excellent option for taking care of the selling process from the convenience of home. Creating an account is free, and setting up your selling profile takes just minutes. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when exploring this option:
Give Your Description Some Sizzle: You’re competing for shoppers’ attention, so write a description that is specific but also uses words that will stand out.
Pick the Best Pics: Take quality pictures of the items you list for sale. Place items against clean, uncluttered backgrounds. Make sure the lighting is good. It’s also helpful to take multiple shots from different angles.
Set the Right Price: Find other sellers who have listings similar to yours. Check out what the highest and lowest prices are, and price somewhere in the corridor. Judge how high or low you can go by the quality of your product as well as other conditions you are willing to offer like free or fast shipping.
For even more help you can download a quick start guide here.
3. Used Clothing Stores
Used clothing stores buy and resell used articles of clothing and accessories. They come in a wide variety and typically cater to a specific target market. Some seek to appeal to a younger audience and buy back clothing from nearly any retailer or designer—so long as it’s at the right price. If your donation bag is full of trendy affordable items from places like Forever 21, Target, and Zara, these are the types of stores that will find your offerings of interest. You won’t earn as much per piece, but your chances of selling something are often higher. On the opposite spectrum you will find stores focusing on a more sophisticated clientele and more discerning of the designers and retailers they hang from their racks. If you’ve got any pieces from Coach, Tory Burch, Kate Spade or other well know designer brand, these are the right stores for you. You likely will have fewer of these items to sell but will earn more for each. The key to success is understanding who the store targets and identifying what from your sellable items will interest them most. One of my favorite stores both for selling and finding great deals is Wasteland.
New School Selling
4. Threadflip
Think of Threadflip as a hybrid of Pinterest and eBay: a place where you can not only sell your clothes but can also engage with other sellers (and buyers). There are two ways to sell your items. The first is by creating a closet which is like a Pinterest board with selling capability. You upload pics of your items, add a description, and name your price. Buyers can then shop your closet, leave comments, make purchases, and share what they bought on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. With this option you keep 80% of the sale, and Threadflip takes a 20% commission. The second way to sell your items is to use Threadflip’s White Glove Service. This requires an application but, if approved, you simply ship your items to them and they do all of the work of listing and selling. While this option is a little more hassle free, you only get to keep 60% of the sale.
5. Twice
Twice is very similar to Threadflip’s White Glove Service option. After signing up on their site, you can request a free shipping bag and print out a free shipping label. You ship them your clothes; they take care of the rest. One neat feature Twice provides is their commission calculator that gives you an idea of how much money you will earn based on designer and article of clothing. Unlike Threadflip, Twice is particular about the clothing they sell and will only accept items from mid- to high-end designers (that means no H&M or Forever 21).
6. Poshmark
If Threadflip is like Pinterest and eBay combined, Poshmark takes it to the next level by layering in Instagram. Not only can you upload pictures of the items you want to sell, but you can also jazz up the shots by using Poshmark’s filters. The idea is to take your “closet” of items from a pinboard worthy to magazine quality. Another unique feature Poshmark has is their Posh parties which allow you to combine your items with friends’ to create one ultra-coveted closet. When you sell on Poshmark, you keep 80% of your earnings.
7. Tradesy
Tradesy is a great online reseller choice if you’re looking for a bit of extra help crafting the perfect listing. When you list an item for sale, Tradesy takes you through a step-by-step process that includes a guide for taking great photos, a template for writing a thorough description, and suggestions for picking the right price. When an item sells they will even provide you with the materials for shipping. Most importantly: Tradesy only takes 9% commission from your sale.
Know of any other great places to sell your clothes? Let us know!
Good luck and happy selling!