
High Time for a Fun Night

Homejoy’s Rose Dawydiak-Rapagnani offers a few reminders to utilize your party planning time wisely.


The date and venue are set. Friends have RSVP’d. You have your party pants picked out. It’s the 11th hour, so don’t waste your energy stressing over last-minute details. Here are a few tips to keep you in check before guests arrive.

Party Prep
  • First and foremost, manifest a zen attitude.
    The holidays are fun, and your party will be fantastic. Do not bring unnecessary stress into your life.
  • Check out the party space from the eyes of your guest. 
    Ask yourself the following questions:  Does your home feels inviting? How is the lighting? Does your home smell good? Is the music playing at the right volume? Are people able to get comfortable?
  • Make a list, and check it twice before you go to the grocery store.  
    Keep it simple. Make sure the majority of the menu can be prepared in advance. And if you need the extra couple hours for other errands, try Instacart to do your shopping for you.
  • Book a Homejoy cleaning
    … to make sure your home is good to go for your party!

PHOTO: PetitPlat

Clean Up
  • To make clean-up easier, use decorations that double as party favors
    Guests can take them home, and you have one less thing to worry about. Can you say eco-chic?
  • Be ready for spills!
    Keep a solution of white vinegar, dish soap, and water in a spray bottle on hand in case any spills happen during the party. The more quickly stains are attended to, the less likely they are to be permanent.
  • Call on Homejoy to do the rest!
    Single Diaries readers get $20 off their appointment. Just click and book before January 15th!


Rose Dawydiak-Rapagnani is the Communications Manager at Homejoy.

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