
Single Girl Goals | Living in the Moment

The Single Diaries Challenges You to Focus on the Here and Now

Picture from Stephanie Rausser Photography

Picture from Stephanie Rausser Photography

At The Single Diaries, one of the things we believe is that we must dare ourselves to be better every day. We must challenge ourselves to learn something new, to take personal risks, and to work hard at reaching our dreams. It is why we built this supportive community—to propel each other forward towards our own personal best.
A key ingredient in this recipe for success is to first figure out what it is that you’re after. In order to reach our personal best, we have to first define what that looks like. Whatever area of your life you’re looking for growth, take a minute to stop and get really clear on what it is we hope to achieve.
To kick the exercise into motion we thought we’d take the first step by sharing one personal goal we’re working on each quarter.
For fall, we’re dedicating ourselves to focusing on living in the moment. We know the season is full of change from the color of the leaves to the start of new relationships, new living arrangements, and new careers. With the bustle of activity this time of year brings, it can be hard to remember to appreciate the here and the now.
We challenge you to join us over the next few months to work on living in the moment or whatever goal you’ve set for yourself.
Read on for a compilation of inspiration to get you started:

Live Each Moment to Its Fullest


Let Go of the Thoughts That Don’t Make You Strongthoughtsthatdontmakemestrong
Experience the Width of Life


Stay Easy Breezy
Jason Mraz- Living in the Moment

Jason Mraz- Living in the Moment

And Live in the Moment!


Tell us what your goals are this fall! #SGGoals
Superbly Single,

Your biggest fan, brunch buddy, and online BFF. Consider me your wing woman for brand success.


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