A tribute to our first teachers, our mothers
We look up to women who have changed the world in different ways, but many girls will say that her mom changed her world in the most lasting way. A gift on Mother’s Day is such a small token compared to everything the mothers in our lives have done for us. In honor of these fearless women, we’re recounting the important lessons we’ve learned growing up.

My mom gave me the gift of reading.
My mom and I share a love of books. She cultivated a strong relationship between books and me at an early age. Whether we read by the fire or on the hammock or participated in the library’s story time, reading was always a positive experience. My mom encouraged me to choose what I wanted to read; it became about what new adventure I wanted to go on or which new animal I wanted to learn about. By her crafting my love of reading, she built my love of knowledge, and that has carried through to every day of my life. It’s the most valuable gift I’ve been given by my mom.
– Jen Smith, Avid Reader
By her example, my mom taught me to be an independent hard worker.
My mom Lissa is the best teacher I have had in my life! She has always told me to follow the Golden Rule, use good manners, think before I speak… but I think the biggest lesson she has taught me is to be tough, independent and practice strong work ethic. I have learned these from watching her, and it has helped me throughout my life both professionally and personally. She has more inner strength than anyone I have ever met and is independent in every way. Seeing the success she has earned has always taught me the value in working hard and not expecting success to be handed to me.
– Tara Freese, fierce mother of French bulldog Lucy
My mom taught me to be adventurous.
I got my traveling bones from my mom. She took me on my first plane ride when I was barely one year old. We flew to the Philippines to visit her family. She moved to the States from the Philippines in her early 20s. As fate would have it, I followed in her footsteps and moved to Asia for two years when I was in my early 20s! My mom values education and travel, and she has shared that with her children—I am so blessed. My mom is a brave soul!
– Lara Torii, World Traveler
My mom gives the best relationship advice.
I credit my mom for teaching me everything I know about dating. I would argue that she is hands down the best provider of relationship advice out there. She taught me how to spot the good guys from the bad, what you should expect from the guy you’re dating, and how to know when a guy is or isn’t seriously interested. Though she’s full of great tips I think that two of her best are:
- The right guy will come along exactly when you’re not looking for him. Don’t spend your time trying to find him, because when the time is right he’ll come to you.
- It always works better when the guy likes you more at first. He should be head over heels for you without you having to convince him of it.
– Jen Hacker, Superbly Single

My mom taught me to do things that make you smile.
The most important thing I’ve learned from my mom is how to be a complete and utter goofball. Like a huge dork. Most of the memories I have with my mom are of us cracking up (we’re talking tears) over some impression, story or inside joke we have. She taught me how to laugh, how to not take myself so seriously and how to bring a sense of humor into a world that needs a good laugh once in a while.
– Megan D’Amico, Certified Goofball
My mom taught me to keep things in perspective.
I’m a complainer by nature (I know many of us are), but ever since I was a child my mom would use the phrase “Ang laki nang problema mo” (“Your problem is so big” in Tagalog) in mockery whenever I get too whiny. It’s a simple reminder that the “problem” I have is tiny in the scheme of things. My mom is the hostess with the mostest (you should see her epic afternoon tea set-ups) and bestows her eye for detail upon my sisters and me, but she’s the last person who will ever throw a pity party. As I move into a new phase of my life, this outlook has led to a more important focus in staying grounded and letting go.
– Catherine Abalos, practiced complainer seeking inner peace
What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from your mother?
Catherine Abalos is founder and editor of The Single Diaries.