
5 Steps That Will Make Your Brand Downright Irresistible

irresistible brand

5 steps to building a brand that is irresistible

This post will give you a framework for building a brand you AND your customers love.

The other night I was watching a stand up special on Netflix featuring comedian Ali Wong.  Have you seen it?  If you have, you’ll remember that Ali keeps coming back to this punchline – I don’t want to work anymore.

ali wong netflix i don't want to work anymore

I relate to Ali. This is how I feel about most things in life. I don’t want to have to think about one more thing, make one more decision, or add one more line to my to-do list.

My gut says it’s safe to assume that you can relate. We all have enough on our plates as it is.

Which, is why I want you to consider this:

5 Steps to building a brand that's irresistible

Yes, That’s right. Your customers want you to be their favorite. They want you to make their lives easier by giving them one less decision to make. When they love your brand they don’t have to think about who they are going to buy from. They already know the answer.


Take these examples

When I buy groceries I already know what brand of coffee is going in my cart. When I need a card I know exactly which shop I’m heading to. And, when Mother’s Day rolled around last week there was no question who I was buying my flowers from. I have the brands that I know and love for these things. And you know what, I love them for being that for me.

So what is it that makes us love one brand over another? Take the example of my favorite coffee. Yes, I enjoy the flavor but its more than that.  The real reason I love the brand is that its fair trade, local, and cool without being presumptuous. The brand’s equity (aka what it stands for) resonates with me.  In turn, they’ve found a fan in me.

Last week we talked about how to really get to know your customers. Here’s where that becomes important. When you know who your customers are, what they want, and what they need you’re primed to succeed.

Now let’s talk about the 5 steps you’re going to take to make sure your brand is one that your customers can fall in love with. To help illustrate each step, I’ll provide an example for a service business – in this case, blogging. As well as an example of a product business – in this case, subscription boxes. (Don’t worry I got you ; )


Step 1: Decide & deliver on your brand fundamentals

By fundamentals, I mean the actual products/services your brand creates or provides. At the ground level, your customers should know exactly what they can expect from you. You are their favorite brand for X.


If you’re a blogger:
I want to know exactly what kinds of posts I can expect to find on your site and social media feeds. I want to know if you’re going to be my source of inspiration, advice, or education.

For example, you might decide that:
My blog shares weekly recipe posts that teach you how to make easy vegan meals on a budget.


If you sell subscription boxes:
I want to know what kinds of products the boxes include. Where can I buy them and how much do they cost? Do they cater to a certain type of person or occasion?

For example, you might decide that:
My brand ships monthly boxes with 3 – 4 beauty products selected from organic, woman-owned brands. The cost is $50/ month.


Step 2: Do things different… and better

What can you do to make your brand better than the others for your customers? How can you intersect their needs and interests? Clarify the reasons your customers should choose you over another brand. You are the only brand that does what for them?


If you’re a blogger:
Is your content more in-depth? Does it come with free downloads? Do you provide exclusive interviews? It is full of beautiful imagery? Is it guaranteed to make me laugh? What is is that makes your blog better than every other I could read?

For example your point of difference might be that:
Every recipe post includes a grocery shopping list, video tutorial, and budget breakdown. So that, cooking and eating vegan has never been easier.


If you sell subscription boxes:
Do you use special ingredients or source from local vendors? Do you support a charitable cause? Can I  customize my order? Does it ship for free? Why should I choose your product over any other?

For example, your point of difference might be that:
Every subscription box comes with a card that tells the story of the women behind the brands inside. Customers can also visit your Youtube channel to see exclusive interviews with them. Additionally, you donate 10% of sales to a fund that supports women entrepreneurs.


Step 3: Evoke an emotional response

Your customers should leave every interaction with you feeling something. In fact, the way your brand makes people feel is as important as what it does for them. What emotions do you want to stir? You are the brand that makes your customers feel how?


If you’re a blogger:
Do people come to you for a dose of tough love or to feel comforted? Are you there to motivate them, be a patient teacher, or fill them with inspiration?

For example, you might determine that:
Our recipes will make our readers feel like going vegan is actually easy and affordable. We don’t make them feel bad if they aren’t vegan or weird if they are. We want our readers to feel supported and good about themselves.


If you sell subscription boxes:
When someone receives your gift box how should they react? Is it a heartfelt gesture? Does it get them ready to party? Do they feel inspired to DIY or take a moment for self-reflection?

For example you might say:
Our boxes make will help our customers feel good about what they’ve spent their money on. They will feel excited to be part of a bigger mission and empowered to champion women. They’ll feel inspired to share their stories while creating their own.

Step  4. Create a human connection

People serve different roles in our lives. We have our best friends, our teachers, our critics.  How would your customers describe your brand if she were a person?  What role does your brand play in their lives?


If you’re a blogger:
Is your blog the life of the party? Always optimistic? Brash? Unabashed? An advocate for others? What are the words you want people to use to describe you and/ or your blog?

For example, you might want your role to be:
Our blog is the friend that helps you be more mindful.  She has graceful awareness of herself, the planet, and those around her. She’s the one you turn to when you need to feel grounded.


If you sell subscription boxes:
Is your brand a perfectionist? Charming? Is she more like your relatable best friend or your mentor? Does she push you to be better or hold your hand and walk you step by step?

For example you might want your role to be:
Our brand is the friend you call to talk about the latest product you’re obsessing over. She’s also the one you went to the Women’s March with. She embraces her soft feminine qualities as well as her feminist strength.


Step 5. Deliver a consistent brand experience

Your brand’s equity describes what you want it stands for in the hearts & minds of your customers. It’s created through consistent delivery. Meaning, everything you do should build up the qualities you’ve outlined in Steps 1 -4. This is true whether we’re talking about introducing a new product or an Instagram post. What is the experience and equity you’re delivering to your customers?


If you’re a blogger:
Is your tone of voice the same from post to post? Is that Instagram post helpful or braggy? How about that recipe, is it actually easy?

For example, your brand equity might be that:
My blog is a safe space for all people to learn about and practice being vegan.


If you sell subscription boxes:
Are you selective about the products you include? Do the women behind those brands support your mission? Is the message consistent from month to month?

For example, your brand equity might be that:
My subscription boxes empower women to support and empower one another.


So there you have it. Taking these 5 steps will help you build a brand that is just right for your customers. And, when you show up for them, they will show up for you.


Wrapping it up

To help make this process easy as can be, I created this template for you to download and complete for your brand.
5 Steps to building a brand that's irresistible


The purpose of going through these 5 steps is to help you see how the different parts of your brand come together. This framework should help clarify the kind of brand you want to build. And, it should create a structure that will help you best build it.

Next week we’ll talk about how to use this framework to bring your brand personality to life through design, visuals, and language.


What questions do you have? Leave them in the comments below!


A toast to you,



Your biggest fan, brunch buddy, and online BFF. Consider me your wing woman for brand success.


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