The Pros and Cons of Going Solo
Photo courtesy of Christina Marie Riley @ Flickr
The end of September marks the end of my last few weeks in my apartment. I currently live with three other girls, all single, all blonde, all from Michigan. As life would have it, we are all simultaneously reaching turning points in our lives that are splitting us on different paths. Realizing this was happening, we understood that it was time for us to say goodbye to our apartment and our life together as roommates.
With the month ahead of me I am tasked with figuring out what my next living situation will be. To this point I have never lived alone, having bounced from my parents’ house to a college dorm, from a sorority house, to post-grad roommates. I’ve started to wonder, is it time to get a place of my own? Am I ready to face an empty apartment that won’t be filled with effortless social interaction?
As twenty-something single girls this is a situation that many of us have likely found ourselves in, wrestling with the pros and cons of each direction.
I can decorate it however I want
I can pick the perfect cable package with only the channels I like
I never worry about getting woken up by late night partying
It will be so clean!
There will be no one to talk to when I come home.
What if I just want to gossip with someone over a glass of wine?
Who’s going to tell me if my outfit looks good or not?